Configure at Admin Dashboard → Voxel Settings, then go to Layouts to set the grid widths and allocated positions.
Injected Gantry Gizmos
There are Gizmos that are injected into a site when enabled in the Administrator, and are stacked vertically.
These are the Google Analytics, Page Suffix, Smart Load Images, Typography Shortcodes, Page Class Suffix, RokStyle, Build Title-Spans, Disable Auto Paragraphs, Disable Texturize and IE6 Redirect.
Forced Positions
There are times when you just don't want to have your widgets taking up all the room in a horizontal row no matter what the layout. For example you might want to have a widget on the left and a widget on the right, with nothing in the middle.
This is made easy with Gantry with the Force Positions parameter for each layout, allowing you to set the count to a specific row number, such as 4, even if 4 widgets are not published for that row.
Grid Sizes
Configure at Admin Dashboard → Voxel Theme, then go to Layouts to set the grid widths and allocated positions.
By default, each grid is given an equal distribution, but this can be modified to a custom distribution between widgets, such as 3/4/5 instead of 4/4/4. These options are available for when 2-6 widgets are present.
MainBody/Sidebar Layouts
Configure at Admin Dashboard → Voxel Theme → Layouts the varying Mainbody/Sidebar layout possibilities.
Note: If no widgets are assigned to the Sidebar positions, the Mainbody will become full width.